Newest Published Work and other News.


untitled (11)My short story , Jingle Jars, ( My Story title is featured on the cover and I am ever so flattered that it is!!!)  was recently published in a collection along with many other great short stories. All awesome ‘AWE’thors in this collection are members of a great Indie writers group on Facebook. The book was published by Plaisted Publishing House, and I thank them for the great opportunity to be involved in a project that involved so many talented, proof readers, editors, writers and administration people. The group put together two anthologies of Dark and Light Holiday themed stories. My story ended up in the Dark Volume , as you can see by the photos above.

I have not yet read every story in its entirety , however I have read some and though I m not reviewing the book I will say this; It is chock full of some very good Dark Holiday shorts. The Light Volume also, is full of many great stories by authors from around  the globe.

Both books, The December Awethology: Dark Volume and the December Awethology: Light Volume  are available at most online bookstore platforms. The eBook copy is a free download and the print version is $6.00. I myself am the proud owner of every version of each book that I can find! They are just that good. Having read many of the authors books/stories before I feel completely confident in saying that this is a collection you do not want to miss out on.  I will include a couple book links below. Support our indie authors and download or buy a copy today.

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Here’s a bit of a blurb from my story Jingle Jars:

Sneak Peek of Jingle Jars by Jennifer Deese (short story from The December Awethology: Dark Volume by The #Awethors.)


Sid could sense the arrival of something. Then suddenly he began to make out a shape approaching in the distance through the open door.  As he strained to decipher what it was that was approaching he caught the scent of sulphur and rot. The odor grew stronger as the shape in the swirling snow drew closer. Sid felt his heart quicken as his senses told him something about this was all wrong. As he watched, frozen in place, he saw that the quickly approaching figure was adorned in what looked to be a very tattered and dirty Santa Claus outfit. “What the hell!”, Sid thought as the figure stepped onto the porch and stood face to face with him. The stink was even more intense and the man’s eyes were obsidian black. Sid stepped back as the man came through the door shutting it behind him. As the door shut the noise from the jingling jars abruptly stopped.

Sid knew he was in the presence of something sinister, dark and evil, and in a rare moment of honest introspection he almost wished things had been different in his life, normal even. He watched, frozen in place as the Santa clad demon walked to the wall of jars. With his heart pounding Sid asked, “”Who are you.” Smiling demonically, the visitor ran his dirty clawed fingers along the jars, causing them to jingle eerily in the dead silence. Sid could feel the noise deep in his brain, it caused a blinding pain that brought him to his knees next to the dead fire. He felt  his body wanting to give in, wanting to shroud him in the promise of death, but he wanted to live! As the thought of asking for redemption ran across his mind the demon turned toward him and whispered, “Tssk Tssk, my loyal human, I’m here to show to you your jars, your jingling jars.” ***


Read  more of this story and a slew of others now ; Get your copy today. Free eBook download and $6.00 print versions.

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So grab your copy today and cozy up for some not so merry Holiday tales from The Dark side. And don’t forget to check out the Light Volume as well…for those who don’t wish to indulge in a few nightmare inducing short stories by yours truly, and all of The Team DArk #Awethors

For those on your Holiday gift list …Why not grab a Amazon gift card and allow them to browse the all the genres and great books and gifts. Great stocking stuffer too!!!! //

Grab a copy of my first book here. also available n EBook format here:



Grab a copy of The December Awethology: Dark Volume here:


Thank you all and have a great Day!!!!