TaKe Two & Back to the Front!!


New Beginnings …and this one is a celebratory one! To All my followers I have decided that this blog needs a revamp. While I love every single  post and ramble  have posted on this blog,  I have gotten that spring cleaning bug (ok so I am quite a few months behind …its the way my head works!)Starting tomorrow this Site, To Write is Right!!!, will be UNDER CONTSTRUCTION. No pertinent information will be deleted, however older material and up and coming material will be presented in new ways. *writer of this post scratches her head and wonders if she can pull this off. She is no pro blogger by any means and wishes she had “people” to do this for her. Now she laughs hysterically at her own joke. Ok back on track now folks sooooo where were we? ********************

Ok here we go; I have decided to reconstruct my blog  and considering the fact that I am in no way adept in the art of blog maintenance this may take a bit. I have never really been able to format this blog in accordance to how I see it in my head however, I am going to give it another go. setting up pages and static pages etc. is all so very confusing.

I will be starting this project today and keeping my fingers crossed that I end up with something halfway presentable. than you kindly for your patience.

The Way I Write…Hey it Works for Me.

I imagine that as writers we all have our own little habits and routines..I Certainly do!! I suppose its just one of those instances where if it works for you then do it and keep doing it.

My way of writing is not completely routine however, there are some things that I do with every story I put to paper.


Today I thought I would share my way of writing with my followers and readers in hopes that some of you will share yours with us as well. Great way to get to know a little bit more of the person behind that book, blog, article, poem your reading…don’t you agree?

Now of course, I am in no way what-so-ever promoting the kind of reader devotion Stephen King gave us in Misery. Annie Wilkes truly sunk herself into the books she read & I am sure Sheldon wasn’t to keen on how well she got to know him or his writing habits.

I mean, I know we love meeting and visualizing the characters existing wthin the pages; and of course that is simply one of my deepest loves for reading. But…what do we know outside the brief bios on the covers of the person who brought them to us?

For instance, I more often than not like to write  with music in the background at a pretty high volume. A variety of edibles at hand along with a beverage ( type varies) are always present. Something about munching on a stick of celery slathered with cream cheese while working out a plot snag really helps me work it through. 🙂

Another of my habits is to write …read what I wrote…
…write…read what I wrote…write…

So what are some of your habits or writing routines?
Please share some of them in the comments section below…either your writing habits, someone else’s or if your not a writer feel free to share some if your reading idiosyncrasies.

Marketing and Promotion Newbie.

Re-posting this, I highly recommend Writers Weekly E-zine to writers , both seasoned and new comers!

To Write Is Right!!! My World as an Author, reader and Marketer.

My first book, The Orchid Keeper, was published July 1st 2014. My publisher is ABuzz Press and part of my contract is that I do my own marketing and promotion.

Well believe me when I say that as a new author my head did spend a few times in the beginning, and still does sometimes this many months later when it comes to promotion and marketing.

Being a complete novice when it comes to marketing I say that hands down two things were my saving grace. Without these two things I don’t think I would feel as good about where I’m at in the literary world as a new author as I do right now.

1.) All Abuzz Press authors are given a free copy of Angela and Richard Hoy’s ’90 Days of Promotion’. I advise that any new author read this. It is a wonderful way to get your…

View original post 317 more words

The Fading Light Blurb. (book 2 in The Osipian Stories)

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update on book 2’s progress. After recently being released from the writer’s block demons I have been working away at getting book 2, The Fading Light done so that we can get it on the market before Spring’s end.

This book, the second in a series of five, (book 1 is The Orchid Keeper) can be read alone or you can read the first book before this one. Each book contains a storyline of its own …but they all do have common ties and references back to previous books.  I myself prefer to read a series of books in order but I know many to whom it doesn’t matter if the story is good alone.

Below you will find a little blurb about The fading Light, book 2 in The Osipian Stories. Below that blurb there will be links to my book pages that will take you to places that the Orchid Keeper can be purchased




What Happens when the light on magical Osipia fades out completely?

When the light begins fade in the magical world of Osipia Cora sees Sols fingerprint again. Once there she meets another Earthling and reunites with Sol.

Things in Osipia are beginning to darken and it ripple effects our Earth.

Creatures of the dark have broken a long standing treaty and are destroying the orchids connected to human souls. Throwing Sols world into increasing darkness and killing the special orchids they feed off of the Soulinium…what remains when these orchids die.

On Earth the population begins to crumble into bitterness, despair, depression and crime. Cora’s daughter contemplates taking her own life as her new husband turns dark.

Can Cora, Eldon, Sol, Osipian foot soldiers and the other Keepers bring back the light and save both planets or will this be the end?


If you like magical realism and urban fantasy you will love The Osipian Stories. why not start today with already published book 1, The Orchid Keeper? Get to know Cora and Sol from the very beginning of their journey’s together. Its my debut novel and has gotten great reviews thus far. Feed your appetite with The Orchid Keeper while waiting for the Fading Light by Jennifer Deese.

links for The Orchid Keeper pages and places of purchase. (price recently reduced on all platforms)









also available on the majority of your favorite online bookstores. actual physical walk in book stores will order the book for you if your looking for the print version.

Book 2, The Fading Light update:

Update for Book 2, in The Osipian series….

The Fading Light is coming along nicely. As my creative process usually dictates it has morphed into a story a bit different from my originally planned outline. This , in my writers opinion, is a good thing. I love that point in writing a book when it begins to evolve …almost on its own!

At some point I find that the creative flow just simply pours forth and its all I can do to keep up on the keyboard as the tale tells itself. This is the part of writing I love the best… Watching my ideas transform themselves into a fantastical story. During this time I sometimes look up from an all encompassing session of writing and get surprised because I’m here and not in the world my written words have created.

With that said and my feet once again planted here on Earth and not in Osipia’s surreal forests and fields I give to you the newest synopsis manifestation if The Fading Light.

Oh and if you haven’t taken The Osipian journey with Cora  and Sol in Book 1, The Orchid Keeper, you can do so by getting your copy now at any of your favorite online bookstores.

THE FADING LIGHT>>>coming soon

Finding herself ,once again, in the world of Osipia Cora is surprised to find that it won’t be just her and Sol. This time Sol introduces her to a enigmatic  and very attractive man, also from Earth.
Surprised by his presence, Cora soon learns the reason she has returned to Osipia and why he is there too. Together they set out on a quest to save both planets, Earth and Osipia,and the life that resides on them.
Can Cora, Sol and Eldon bring back the light? Can an Osipian orchid keeper, a 21st century woman and a man from the 18th century win this battle?

Marketing and Promotion Newbie.

My first book, The Orchid Keeper, was published July 1st 2014. My publisher is ABuzz Press and part of my contract is that I do my own marketing and promotion.

Well believe me when I say that as a new author my head did spend a few times in the beginning, and still does sometimes this many months later when it comes to promotion and marketing.

Being a complete novice when it comes to marketing I say that hands down two things were my saving grace. Without these two things I don’t think I would feel as good about where I’m at in the literary world as a new author as I do right now.

1.) All Abuzz Press authors are given a free copy of Angela and Richard Hoy’s ’90 Days of Promotion’. I advise that any new author read this. It is a wonderful way to get your ducks in a row in the beginning. As a guideline through the first 90 days of promoting your book I would rate it at ten!!

The advice, format, timeline, resources, etc given put forth in this wonderful marketing and promotion tool/guide truly helped me through a lot of what would have otherwise grayed my hair and had me running in the other direction. No joke!!! I seriously had no idea where to begin or what to do!!!

90 days of promotion is also offered for purchase even if you do not publish through ABuzz Press just visit

http://www.writers weekly.com/

Many of you may remember a previous post of mine about ‘Writers Weekly’ e-zine. Also a great author resource.

2.) Last week I joined the ‘Ask David’ community at, .

Book promotion is, in my opinion, this sites forte. The tools, links, exposure, and contact with readers and authors that are now available to me are phenomenal!

In the few days that I have had my book on thus particular site I have seen definitive improvement in my exposure. I am being exposed to 1,000’s of people. Both my personal blog and my authors blog have picked up followers via links on my books askdavid.com page. My debut book has made some sales as a direct result of Ask David.com. Via my books page on this site people can link straight into all if my websites and pages.

I am extremely satisfied with my choice to become a author member on this site. I would suggest it to any author asking my opinion!

Check it out you won’t regret it…


In closing, I give thanks for having the opportunity to utilize both if the above mentioned marketing and promotion resources. I also wish to vehemently recommend them to all authors who are responsible for thier own marketing. They have certainly helped me in so many different ways.